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November 2023

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

I like to call November my "gratitude month". Yes, Thanksgiving was the inspiration. Some years back, I thought to myself, why not use this entire month to focus on gratitude, instead of just the day? So I began a practice of intentional gratitude during the month of November. Some years, I write a thank you note each day or week. Some years, I meditate on various texts about being grateful or thankful. Some years I have challenged myself to verbally express my gratitude more eloquently, instead of just saying "thank you." This year, I have limited capacity to engage an extra activity, so I've decided to practice embodying gratitude in real time. This means that whenever I feel grateful, I take the time to notice how my body, mind, and heart are experiencing that moment. It's not complex; it's quite simple, really. But it moves me into an even more present state of being with what is true and real and divine.


We are entering a season of preparation, Advent. As we near the beginning of the liturgical calendar, I suggest some resources to help shape your Advent rhythms. During this time of year, it is not hard to get sucked into the warp of commercialism and people pleasing. But remember that you can advocate for what is best for you and your loved ones. Take some time this week to set some boundaries for how you will use your time moving forward, this year. Consider what your soul needs, and how God may be inviting you into healthy rhythms, this Advent.

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